Zathura: A Space Adventure is a film that many of us remember from our childhood. It is often considered a copy of Jumanji, but in fact both works were created by the same author. In fact, Zathura was originally conceived as a sequel to Jumanji. Despite these comparisons, I think that Zathura offers very interesting content, especially in its ending, which invites us to explore an infinite number of theories. SOCIAL NETWORKS: ► Instagram: / nostalfaner ► Twitter: / nostalfaner ► Letterboxd: https://letterboxd.com/Nostalfan/ ----------------------- Sources: Here are some videos and other material that I used to complement and contrast my theory about the ending of the film. They are all very good to see and continue theorizing about this film. 1. • ZATHURA The deep and underrated... 2. • ZATHURA could have been more than another Jumanji. 3. https://www.reddit.com/r/GameTheorist... (my theory was born from these bases, I expanded it a lot more to reduce the loose ends) 4. • DISTURBING ZATHURA THEORY #zathura #summary