5 mistakes when growing zamioculcas Contents Abundant watering Large container Poor lighting Soil for zamioculcas Incorrect planting Abundant watering If the tree has stopped growing, the leaves have turned yellow and lost turgor - this is a distress signal indicating improper care. Or maybe the plant is tired of excessive care? Important! The foliage turns yellow and falls off, and the tubers rot due to abundant watering. The amount of moisture usual for other crops can destroy the money tree. Large container The money tree cannot grow in a large container. The above-ground part does not begin to develop until the root system fills the entire container. Moreover, in a large pot, the likelihood of over-watering increases. Poor lighting The tree is photophilous. It can tolerate the absence of light, but the development of the culture slows down, or even stops altogether. It is good to place the green pet on the eastern or western window. It will be quite comfortable there. Soil for zamioculcas The plant may feel uncomfortable in heavy soil. The natural habitat of this crop is poor soil. Loose soil that allows moisture and air to pass through well can approach it. A substrate for succulents is well suited. Incorrect planting The house tree will not grow because the tubers are too deep or protrude above the ground. They should be placed in such a way that they are not visible, but can be easily felt by hand. Taking into account the above facts, it is not difficult at all to create favorable conditions for the growth and development of zamioculcas. The pet is very unpretentious and grateful. It will bring comfort, a little exoticism and a good mood to the home.