Zaeti (pron. saeti) are a typical sweet from my region and in particular from Venice. They are characterized by their coarse and irregular shape and are not too sweet. They go well if soaked in a sweet wine such as orange blossom, marsala or hot zabaglione. They can be kept for several days in an airtight bag, so you can prepare them in large quantities, even as gifts. Enjoy your meal! INGREDIENTS FOR 50 PIECES: 900 gr. of 00 flour 100 gr. of semolina for instant polenta 250 gr. of sugar 400 gr. of butter a pinch of salt 1 sachet of yeast (16 gr.) 200 gr. of raisins grappa to taste 100 gr. of toasted pine nuts 250 gr. whole eggs (approx. 4) 1 lemon (zest) icing sugar to garnish #zaeti #typicalrecipe #sweets #biscuits #dessert #semolinaflour #raisins #pine nuts #newrecipe #youtube #tommyandthecooker Instagram: http://instagram.com/tommyandthecooke... Subscribe to my channel: / @tommythecooker