Yugoslavia in the war 1941-1945. The documentary series about war and political events in Yugoslavia during World War II is one of the most comprehensive and detailed documentary series about this period of history in Yugoslavia. A large number of historians from the country and abroad participated in it, as well as direct participants of the event, both from the winning and losing sides. The series was filmed in Great Britain, Germany and Yugoslavia. Editor: Božidar Nikolić Screenplay: Božidar Nikolić, Božidar Zečević, Milan Kundaković Director: Milan Kundaković 21/23 STALIN'S FINAL From the liberation of Belgrade to the spring of 1945, the revolutionary takeover and constitution of power began in Serbia and Yugoslavia. All institutions are formed according to the Soviet model, civil political parties are initially marginalized, brought under a unified national liberation front, and later liquidated. British influence on the Yugoslav government remains only protocol, and soon disappears completely. Yugoslav communists openly align themselves in the Soviet sphere of interest, accepting Stalin's model of the state. Participants in the show: Dr. Leonid Gibjanski (Russia), prof. Branko Petranović, Ph.D., Srđan Škoro, Ph.D., Ljubomir Dimić, Ph.D., Slobodan Nešović, Đoko Trpković, Ph.D., Feliks Pašić, Ph.D. Label and copyright: Radio-television of Serbia Any copying of video and/or audio recordings and uploading to other channels is prohibited!