???? Anime: YU-GI-OH! DUEL MONSTERS Episode 1: The Soul of the Cards YU-GI-OH! DUEL MONSTERS – Synopsis: Yûgi Muto, a young high school student, received a mysterious golden puzzle from his grandfather. Since he completely reconstructed it, the teenager shares his body with the spirit of an ancient, nameless pharaoh. Together, they will wage battles and fight in the card game "Duel Monsters". "YU-GI-OH! DUEL MONSTERS", is available in the original version and in French on ADN: https://animationdigitalnetwork.fr/vi... ------------ ADN, THE animation platform, which brings together the best of your favorite series in VOSTFR and VF, legally in HD on your PC, console, tablet. Everywhere, all the time! Find our entire catalog on: https://animedigitalnetwork.fr/ ???? Follow us! ???? ???? Twitter: / adnanime ???? Instagram: @animedigitalnetwork ???? Facebook: / adnanime ???? Twitch: twitch.tv/ADNanime ???? Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/@Animedigital... ---------- #yugioh #yugiohduelmonsters #anime #yugi #duelmonsters #vf #adn #episode1