We will be live streaming the popular "Shiritori Draft" project, where you build a deck by playing a word chain with the names of cards! Guests ◆Maguro Twitter: / mgr_junkdoppel YouTube: / @magu6o-md ◆Sea Archer Twitter: / seaarcher YouTube: / @seaarcher ◆Tasuku Twitter: / tasukusuraimu1 YouTube: / @tasukusuraimu1 ・Streaming rules Each member will not look at the comments during their turn. Feel free to comment without worrying about spoilers. You are welcome to leave formal comments such as "a summary of each member's answers" in the archive comments, but please refrain from posting in the chat during the stream.・Project Rules You can freely remove voiced or semi-voiced consonants. You can declare cards that end in "n". If the first character is "n", the next person starts with the character before that (for Dragon, it is "go"). If the first character is "ru", "no", or "nu", you can start with that character or the character before that (because there are extremely few card names that start with ru and no). For cards such as "ju", remove the lowercase letters and treat it as shi. The order will be reversed randomly every 5 rounds. The round ends when everyone has more than 20 types of cards in their main deck. Membership for bakuad.com has been opened! It's 90 yen per month! Register here! / @bakuado-com Hamiton (Twitter: / zenmaishark) Adoemon (Twitter: / ado_emon) Vylon Omega (Twitter: / kotonohakami) Milk Empire (Twitter: / milkempire) Nemuru (Twitter: / arc_aura_) RAM (Twitter: / ramwatt) Here is Gachimatome where Hamiton's article is published! ⇒https://gachi-matome.com/ Work at CardNavel! New member recruitment form ⇒ https://party.tcg-revo.com/ This channel will provide information on various TCGs (trading card games), mainly Yu-Gi-Oh!. In addition to "how to move popular decks" and "how to use cards that interest you," we will also introduce some slightly unusual decks. If you are interested, please subscribe to the channel.