1963, 32 minutes (color) Planning: Nippon Aircraft Manufacturing Co., Ltd. Produced by: Nihon Eishinsha [Producer's statement] The YS-11 (Y-S-Ichi-Ichi) is a twin-engine turboprop passenger aircraft manufactured by Nippon Aircraft Manufacturing Co., Ltd. It was the first passenger aircraft developed by a Japanese manufacturer after World War II. The official pronunciation is "Y-S-Ichi-Ichi," but it is commonly referred to as "Y-S-Ju-Ichi" or "Y-S-Eleven." In timetables it is mainly referred to as YS11 or YS. [Staff] Screenplay and director: Kawamoto Hiroyasu Commentary: Suzuki Kenji Cinematography: Hashimoto Tatsuo [Awards] 1963 Science Film Festival, Science and Technology Agency Director's Award / Industrial Film Festival Encouragement Award