💡 Become a member and support Education: https://www.youtube.com/MatematicaRio... In this class of the Mathematical Logical Reasoning or RLM course, we will learn about how to make the truth table of compound propositions, calculate the number of rows in a truth table, and also about what tautology, contradiction, and contingency are. Come with Procopio! 📖 Book I'M TERRIBLE AT MATHEMATICS: http://www.amazon.com.br/dp/8595086036 Our Capicua Post Office Box: 📨 PO BOX 26062, Rio de Janeiro - RJ. ZIP Code: 21715-970. Important playlists (learn Math now!): ► Basic Math: https://goo.gl/xkjGJp ► High School Math: https://goo.gl/tdt2bo ► ENEM Math: https://goo.gl/j5WuIu ► Pre-Calculus Course: https://goo.gl/iQWIoi ► Calculus Course: https://goo.gl/0qZ3BP ► Math Curiosities: https://goo.gl/vogBWb Follow us on social media: ► Official Website: http://www.matematicario.com.br ► Facebook: / matematicario ► Instagram: / matematicario ► Twitter: / matematicario ► TikTok: / matematicario Created by Professor Rafael Procopio: ► Postgraduate Lato Sensu in Mathematics Teaching (UFRJ) Matemática Rio is a channel with free and creative online math classes. Learn difficult subjects in a few minutes, in an uncomplicated way, and master Mathematics to take the ENEM, entrance exams and public exams. Come love Mathematics with us! Let's go together. You are not alone, I'm with you. See you in the next video!