???? I invite you to join the group of my Patrons and become part of a community that has a real impact on my work. https://patronite.pl/marekwaskiel Nurture Your Passion and ???? Learn Photography: Photography Course Package /Videos/ ???? https://waskiel.pl/kurs-fotografii-on... A RACTICAL GUIDE THAT WILL CHANGE YOUR WAY OF PHOTOGRAPHY! ???? https://waskiel.pl/ebook-o-fotografii Branded Vlog about Photography is a place where you will find a lot of practical knowledge about landscape photography. There are reports from my field trips and hikes in various parts of Poland. A lonely hike through the forests of the Knyszyńska Forest was devoted to photographing autumn nature. It was very beautiful around me. On my journey I came across many interesting places, where I tried to take the most interesting photos. In the film I tell how my frames are created and why in this way. Photography tips on how to take a frame and what to pay attention to. Greetings :) Marek Waśkiel from Markowy Vlog o Fotografii. #waskiel