You will sleep like NEVER BEFORE. INNER PEACE???? School of Love and Self-Improvement. ???? ???? ????You can easily contact me by highlighting your comment with a thank you (a HEART-SHAPED BUTTON found below the video - THANK YOU) and it will take you to cooperate with the channel). I always answer you, even in the same audios. You can leave your concern and your comment will become more visible. ????To receive ALL notifications every time I publish a new video❗: 1st. Click on the ✿ button next to the SUBSCRIBE button 2nd. ✓ Click on the bell, choose: SAVE ALL NOTIFICATIONS FROM THIS CHANNEL ???????? My facebook page / . . ???????? My instagram / andrevegana ???????????? FOUR FIVE-MINUTE VIDEOS THAT CAN CHANGE YOUR LIFE • The DARKEST SECRET of the DAIRY INDUSTRY... • The dairy industry in 5 minutes - Erin... • Erin Janus - The egg industry in... • Erin Janus - The egg industry in... ???? Recommended documentaries: On YouTube: ???? EARTHLINGS IN SPANISH ???? MEAT IS WEAK On Netflix: ???? Dominion (about animals) ???? What The Health (about health) Defenseless beings are suffering now because of our responsibility. If you still can't love animals, you can start by RESPECTING THEM, abstaining from eating meat and dairy products, from buying leather, skins, from going to zoos or the so-called shows where they are exploited. The great harm in eating meat is that the animal's meat records the feelings of fear that it experiences when it is going to be killed and that is what you consume, but what should lead us to stop these aberrant customs is to stop causing harm. They don't show you the reality of slaughterhouses or what happens behind the milk industry, milk is rightly called white poison. While we consume suffering, rapes and massacres that the ill-intentioned media hide from us, a state of peace and calm cannot come to our lives. We are the only animal that as adults drinks milk and FROM ANOTHER SPECIES!! Violence and abuse begin on your plate. We do not create demand. Please inform yourself of what is happening because you can change someone's life right now. Do it for them, do it for yourself. Watch the videos Change, wake up! The music is provided by the KAEREM RELAXING MUSIC channel @kaeremrelaxingmusic. Thank you, Ariel, for your magnificent art.