Many people are thinking of installing an air source heat pump, pellet boiler, gas or diesel. In this video we suggest doing a study of the thermal bridges we have at home to improve the thermal INSULATORS in the ceiling and walls and reduce heating consumption. To see how we insulate the roofs, click on the following link: • The great fear of FLAT ROOFS... The types of insulation that we should put in a house will depend on the thermal bridges we have, so we suggest that a technician makes a report and tells us what thermal insulation to put in each area. Depending on the area we will have to use different types of insulation, rock wool, fiberglass, XPS, SATE, injected projected, etc. Apart from mentioning the thermal bridges that a home may have, we see poorly adjusted windows, shutter boxes without thermal insulation, poorly insulated chimneys, sliding doors that have to have their rubber and brushes changed, and much more. I have recorded this video because many people are worried about the price of gas, diesel and electricity. Rising prices make us all want to spend less on heating. We know that there are subsidies for insulating the home and even subsidies for installing aerothermal energy, solar panels or renewable energy. It is very good to change the boiler and look for the best heating system, but we think that, if you have to spend money, it is better to invest in passive systems with a longer useful life. If you have any questions or doubts, leave a comment and we will try to answer you shortly.