⚡️ FREE CLASS: How to Do a Complete Electrical Installation from Scratch, Easily, Even if You Are Not a Professional Electrician: ➽ https://eletr.co/aula?utm_content=yt1... ------ ???? FAAALA ENGEHALL COMMUNITY ???? Join our community on WhatsApp to receive valuable tips and news in the electrical area, important information and much more. ???? ???? https://eletr.co/fala-eng?utm_content= ------ Did you like this video? ???? ✔️ Leave your comment and share with friends ✔️ Follow our networks ➽ https://eletr.co/links - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - WE NEVER IMAGINED doing a GROUNDING for THIS! We received a project prepared by another company to ground this road scale. It is 21 meters long and 3.20 meters wide. According to the project, 14 5/8 copper rods, also called 15 mm, will be needed, spaced 2.4 meters apart, which requires us to install them 2.4 meters apart from each other. There will be 7 rods on one side and 7 rods on the other, interconnected by a cable that passes through one side of the scale, and we will use a TT type grounding, which is exclusive to this scale. As also required in the personal project, we will use 25 mm² semi-rigid bare copper cable and also according to the project, the connection of the cable to the rod must be made with U-type clamp connectors, and one very important thing. The designer required a grounding resistance below 7 ohms, can we achieve it? First, Brener uses a manhole digger to dig the holes where the rods will be placed inside the inspection boxes. On average, we sink 40 centimeters into the ground to be able to flush the box lid with the ground. And in his hand is the inspection box that we will use, it is made of PVC and has a hollow bottom, because that is where the rod goes in. It is time to drive the first rod. According to Brener, he wet the soil a lot, but this place was an old private plane landing strip, so the soil was compacted some time ago. Note that he even tries to drive the rod in with his hand, but as it sank, it hit the compacted part and it ended up not being possible to put the 2 meters and 40 into the ground with his hand. On the other side of the scale, we already have the trenches ready and even another rod driven in as well. The cable will make a curve here and will go under this foundation there, where we have already left a waiting pipe to connect the cable to the rods on the other side. Then it is time to make the connection of the bare cable to the grounding rods. First, we pass the cable through the hole made in the inspection box. Here we have already placed the U-type clamp connector on the cable at once. Then Brener bends the bare conductor a little so that it goes over the connector and comes out from the bottom. First he needs to calibrate our ground tester, to do this he joins all the ends and short-circuits them by turning on the equipment and pressing the test button. In this case, it gave zero right away, there was no need to adjust it, now let's do the first test. We stretched the red and yellow cables of the ground tester and stuck the test rods in line with the rod we are going to measure. Brener even hit my test rod with a sledgehammer and when I saw this I scolded him because he would break my legs, but anyway, he put it on the ground and connected the yellow cable. He did the same thing with the red test cable, stretching the cable as far as possible. As you can see, the green cable is connected to the rod we are going to measure, it is interconnected to 3 more, thus totaling 4 rods connected so far. We turn on the thermometer to the 200 ohm scale and press the test button. Look how wonderful it is. Right away we discover a resistance of 20.4 ohms with only 4 interconnected rods. If we then connect the 14 rods, we will get below the 7 ohms requested. Well, here we have 7 rods connected on one side, interconnected with the other, and another 7 on the other side of the scale. Now everything is as per the project. Let's perform the tests to check if the resistance will match what they requested. And for the final validation, look, we put it on the 20 ohm scale and press the test button. The result found is 5.39 ohms, a very good result, below what was expected by the project.