Anyone who visits the “Landei” in Oranienburg will not get organic milk, eggs from free-range chickens or meat from species-appropriate husbandry, but German cuisine based on old recipes. What sounds more like an organic food store is the culinary dream of Jörg (46) and his wife Friederike (41), in which they have invested a lot of money. Full of enthusiasm, the two city dwellers not only gave their restaurant the confusing name, but also restored the entire restaurant. Almost, anyway. Because the financial tide has also put a stop to the renovation work. Desperation is growing. In addition to the old recipes, the gastronomic newcomers still have plenty of ideas: sage apple, sorrel and edible flowers adorn the dishes of the untrained chef Jörg. The newcomers are desperate - above all because they don't know what they are doing wrong. The test meal and the kitchen check do not convince the professional chefs. Can the cooking professionals even help under such circumstances? First broadcast: September 13, 2012 Here you can see the complete episode of the cooking professionals on RTL+: https://www.tvnow.de/shows/die-kochpr... Subscribe to our channel: / @diekochprofis To the website: https://www.rtl2.de/sendungen/die-koc... Complete episodes on RTL+: https://www.tvnow.de/shows/die-kochpr...