🛒 ONLINE UNDERWATER FISHING STORE 👉 https://depescar.top/ What is the best time to fish in the sea? What is the best time to fish? Well, after many years of developing a good strategy to find fish in shallow water, everything can be summed up in these 3 steps: 1st Anticipate water visibility This factor is very important if you want to be able to find fish in their habitat. Whether it is underwater fishing, surfcasting or spinning, it does not matter what type of fishing you do, since fish need to be in relatively clear waters without suspended particles in order to obtain oxygen from the water. 2nd Choose a good time of tide Controlling the tide to know when the fish move is essential. Fish do not move everywhere all the time, they take advantage of the lateral currents that are generated with the rise and fall of the tides to save energy and grow as much as possible in the shortest time. 3. Check the sea conditions with the webcam Ensuring the sea conditions from the comfort of your home is possible thanks to the different live cameras spread across all the coasts of the world. The sea changes so quickly that being able to observe 1 hour in advance how you are going to find the waters is key to not despairing in the attempt to find the big fish that we sport fishermen are looking for. ⏱ Video sections: Start 0:00 Predicting sea visibility 1:08 The moment of fishing 5:58 Checking with webcam 13:43 The fishing day and result 14:48