The series "Yomyat Zawga Mafrousa Awy" is a social comedy series whose events revolve in separate connected episodes around a journalist who works in the same newspaper as her husband, and an intellectual conflict arises between them due to their different life situations and the differences between the nature of men and the nature of women. The series shows the form of the relationship between spouses in their private and professional lives, revealing in the context many behaviors specific to the Eastern man. Actors: - Dalia El-Behery: Engy Khaled Sarhan: Ali Ragaa El-Geddawy: Ragaa Samir Ghanem: Samir Marwa Abdel Moneim: Camelia El-Qalyoubi Iman El-Sayed: Manal Hassan Abdel Fattah: Sameh Introduction to the series: - 1- The series "Yomyat Zawga Mafrousa Awy" was published on June 19, 2015. 2- The series "Yomyat Zawga Mafrousa Awy" is a social comedy series whose events revolve in separate connected episodes. 3- The series "Yomyat Zawga Mafrousa Awy" is the strongest dramatic work of the artist Dalia El-Behery. 4- The series "Diary of a Very Furnished Wife" shows the nature of the relationship between spouses in their private life and in their professional life. 5- The series "Diary of a Very Furnished Wife" is an Egyptian comedy series that will be shown in Ramadan 2015 corresponding to 1436, starring Dalia El-Behery, Khaled Sarhan and a group of Egyptian actors, written by Amani Daragham and directed by Ahmed Nour. #Diary_of_a_Vice_Furnished_Wife #Part_One #Dalia_El-Behery