#kajianrumil #rumilalhilya #ramadhan #ramadan #fasting #itikaf #lailatulqadar #amlaan YOUR TIREDNESS FOR YOUR FUTURE I'tikaf on the 25th Night of Ramadan at the Wihdatul Ummah Mosque with: ABI MAKKI IMPORTANT: It is not allowed to re-upload the Audio or Video of RUMIL AL-HILYA, cut, edit part or all of it and use it for any purpose. Unless you get permission from us. Thank you Jazakumullah Khoiron @RUMIL AL-HILYA Jl. Bukit Barisan Blok J No.222 Megapolitan Cinere Estate, Limo Depok Watsapp : https://wa.link/mmbo2r email : [email protected] ???? : 087883177360 ???? / rumilal-hilya ???? / rumil.alhilya ???? / rumil_alhilya ???? / rumil222 ???? https://telegram.me/rumilalhilya222 ???? http://rumilahilya.id