☼ Hello Ladiess, welcome to the first PREFY AND BOCCI with guest of the year ???? today together with Jingherly we talk about our favorite products and those that we didn't like at all, as always we are super happy to return with this format and we thank Jing for sharing with us and you his prefy and bocci ???? who would you like as your next guest?? ✧ Jingherly / jingherly - / jingherly ✧ Beauty Office: / thebeautyofficeit ✧ Debs Channel: / @deborafulli IF YOU LIKE THIS VIDEO leave a like and subscribe to the channel so you don't miss the new ones coming :) ♡ PREFY 1st prefy Jing → https://bit.ly/3VW1q2n 1st prefy Debs → https://bit.ly/43L3ig3 1st prefy Ele → https://bit.ly/3VHlF3t 2nd prefy Jing → https://bit.ly/43H03q6 2nd prefy Debs → https://bit.ly/43zr3rv 2nd prefy Ele → https://bit.ly/49eNmUr + https://bit.ly/4aA1Hfa 3° prefy Jing → https://bit.ly/3vAdBXF 3° prefy Debs → https://bit.ly/3J0CCyp 3° prefy Ele → https://bit.ly/3vvbWTk ✧ ???????????????????????? ???????????????????? Instagram → / theladyxoxo Tik Tok → / eleonora.tani Some links are affiliated. For business & marketing proposals → [email protected]