ORPHAN MONEY RECEIVING PERSONALITY PROPOSAL FOR WORKING WITHOUT INCREASE IN TBMM LAST WEEK OF OVERSEAS BORROWING MINIMUM WAGE IS BEING CLEAR THIS WEEK INNOVATIONS AWAITING US IN 2025 (HEADLINE) NIGHT WORK CANNOT EXCEED 7.5 HOURS DEADLINE FOR HIGH MONTHLY PAYMENT IS 31.12.2024 PERSONS WITH DISABILITIES IN GERMANY HAVE THE RIGHT TO RECEIVE UNINTERRUPTED MONTHLY PAYMENT YOUR OVERSEAS DISABLED CARD CAN BE OPERATED IN TURKEY HEALTH INSURANCE CONTRIBUTION SHARE IN GERMANY WILL DOUBLE TO 2.5 IN 2025 Information in the field of social security FACEBOOK: /KarahalilogluEmeklilik YOUTUBE: /@karahalilogluemeklilik INSTAGRAM: /karahalilogluemeklilikmerkezi/ X ACCOUNT: /KarahalilogluE FOR TRANSACTION FOLLOW-UP: KARAHALILOĞLU RETIREMENT CENTER OUR ANKARA HEAD OFFICE: + 90 312 229 66 63-64 OUR AYDIN OFFICE: + 90 552 259 76 50 Information in the field of social security EXPECTATIONS FROM THE OMNIBUS BILL. IS BAĞ-KUR IN THE 7200-DAY OMNIBUS BILL MISTAKES MADE IN BORROWINGS AND THINGS TO BE DONE BEFORE THE NEW YEAR 80-ARTICLE OMNIBUS BILL NEGOTIATIONS CONTINUE IN THE PARLIAMENT... WILL THE 7200 EXPECTATIONS OF BAĞ-KUR MEMBERS BE RESOLVED?.. WHO WILL BE COVERED BY 7200-DAY BAĞ-KUR?.. WHY IS IT IMPORTANT TO BORROW BEFORE THE NEW YEAR?.. HOW TO CORRECT THE MISTAKES MADE?.. OUR MISCONCEPTIONS AND THE RIGHTS ABOUT RETIREMENT Those living in our country, especially European Turks, have misinformation due to dirty information in the field of social security. Sometimes this information spreads by word of mouth and settles in our memories as true. Having extra days in your retirement pension account does not mean that your pension will be high. When calculating retirement pension, if the last 3.5 years are deposited too high, the pension will not be paid according to these years. There is a calculation method according to the earnings in all years. While working in a contracted country and receiving unemployment, your BAG-KUR agricultural, SSK agricultural and optional premiums that you have paid in our country are invalid. Switzerland, France, England and Sweden are excluded in terms of optional premium payment, there is no overlap. If you have not applied to the SGK Institution after your retirement age has come after the payment of foreign debt, your pension will not be paid. In the system in our country, the SGK Institution does not automatically pay a pension without a person's application. -If an orphan's pension recipient works in a contracted country, his/her pension will be stopped. However, the general opinion is that working abroad prevents the orphan's pension. Disability pension and report received from a contracted country are not automatically accepted at the same level in our country. SGK doctors examine and decide according to Turkish legislation without the need for a new report. -The internship insurance in our country is not considered as the beginning regarding retirement age, day and period. If an age adjustment is made after working in our country or abroad, the age change does not cause you to retire early. -Those who receive widow's pension have the opportunity to work abroad without any restrictions and receive a pension from our country. -In order to receive a widow's pension, it is not necessary for the spouses to retire with different statuses. Even if both retire with the same status, when the other dies, they will receive both their own pension and their spouse's widow's pension. If a retirement pension is granted, you do not have the right to waive your debt and ask for your money back. Before the retirement pension is granted, you have the right to waive your debts abroad, military service and birth. -In overseas debt, it is not possible to receive a portion of the payment and receive the other from the SGK Institution. However, if you have borrowed and paid several times at different times, you can receive one or more of them.