Want more? Click here for 'victory 2020', the online lecture tour with Veit Lindau. http://go.homodea.com/hd946 The meditation mentioned in the podcast can be found here. http://go.homodea.com/hd947 Do you know the meaning of your life? Without meaning, we feel worthless, insecure, powerless. We set ourselves the wrong goals and have no stamina. When we lack meaning, pain turns into suffering, darkness becomes hopelessness, loyalty becomes a prison, and we perceive sacrifice as a loss. How do you find the meaning of your life? To mark this very special 200th podcast episode, we would like to give you a current lecture by Veit. You will learn four portals through which you can enter the meaning of your life. I hope that after listening to this episode, you are in love with your life and are burning to give yourself away completely. Thank you for listening to this. You are important in my life. Book by Viktor E. Frankl ... still say yes to life - A psychologist experiences the concentration camp. https://amzn.to/32LGYVo Everything about Veit Lindau. https://go.veitlindau.com/bold-impact Would you like to support homodea.com? THANK YOU. That's wind beneath our wings. http://paypal.me/homodea You can listen to the podcast everywhere on iTunes, Spotify, my blog, YouTube, SoundCloud and all podcast apps for free. I would be very happy if the episode inspires you. Feel free to write to me at [email protected] with your feedback or your requests for further topics and guests. In solidarity, Veit