A daily guidance that smells like a reunion! Your paths have drifted apart recently, and certain third-party energies have not made things easier, let's not lie to each other. But your bond is very strong, unbreakable, and your reunion is only a matter of time. Within 3 months at the most, things should evolve positively, allowing you to renew communication, explain yourself and reach a compromise towards a stable and serious commitment. What more could you ask for? Be confident, continue your work on yourself, go out, change your ideas and do not remain locked in limiting dark thoughts. So, cheer up and see you soon for a new daily draw ✨???????? If you would like to make an appointment for personalized guidance, you can do so right here in the online booking area ???????? https://www.guidedelumiere.com/ #sentimentaldrawing #dailyguidance #personaldevelopment #voyance