Two young women asked for help from the Consumer Sheriff. They were called for a job opening. But when they arrived at the location, they were informed that they would have to pay almost R$400 for training in order to remain among the candidates for the position. One of them called the company that was offering the job opening and discovered that the position did not exist. What's more, the company had no relationship with the employment agency. See what happened. Our WhatsApp: https://cidadealerta.r7.com/whatsapp Subscribe to the Cidade Alerta channel: http://r7.com/0Fhv Watch the full video on PlayPlus: https://www.playplus.com Facebook: /cidadealertarecord Instagram: /cidadealerta Twitter: /cidadealerta Official website: https://recordtv.r7.com/cidade-alerta #CidadeAlerta #XerifeDoConsumidor #GolpeDaVagaDeEmprego