Business woman from Nikolaev Leni Puzis is 25 years old. The girl's family has a large business of their own: 2 business centers and a chain of hotels. The girl lives in a two-room apartment, which her parents gave her as a gift, as well as an elite car. Tatyana Kovalchuk from the village of Stepan is 22 years old. The peasant woman lives in a small house with her mother, who is currently working in Poland. The girl's father died. The peasant woman takes care of a small farm: chickens, a rooster, ducks. In the summer, she works part-time as a pioneer leader. The project page on VKontakte - https://vk.com/panyanka_tet TET Facebook page - / tet.tv TET VKontakte page - https://vk.com/tet_tv TET Twitter page - / tet_tv