In the mysterious world of feng shui and spirituality, a young man follows his family's career to become a feng shui master. Under the guidance of his experienced grandfather, he gradually steps into the secrets of yin and yang that ordinary people can hardly imagine. The story opens with family tragedy, harsh lessons and difficult missions from breaking evil magic formations, resolving deep grudges to confronting immortal ghosts. The climax is a spiritual battle with a man who is cornered, longing to avenge his deceased family, even at the cost of his life. Ancient feng shui secrets, moral conflicts and cause and effect, all intertwine to create a journey that is both thrilling and profound. This is not only a story about feng shui but also a journey to explore the depths of the human heart and philosophy of life. ???? Please support the channel by Liking, Subscribing and Sharing! ☀ Dear friends, you can DONATE to support me! ???? Via Vietin Bank account: 103004178763 - DUONG PHI LONG Your support is the motivation for us to continue bringing more attractive content! ???? Thank you for your companionship! ❤️