Any knitted shoulder product involves the use of knitting needles of different sizes, with different lengths of fishing line or cable. But that's not all. Knitting needles for mohair are not necessarily suitable for silk or cotton. Knitting needles with a removable cable or solid? Many questions about tools and I will give my answers. I am wearing a kidmohair sweater according to MK Norway. MK dress Norway https://vk.com/market-211626529?scree... For payment from any country MK Norway https://boosty.to/yakovlevaknit/posts... My master classes at this link https://vk.com/market-211626529 You can see how I knit buttons here https://boosty.to/yakovlevaknit/posts... . Fluffy Stories group on Odnoklassniki https://ok.ru/group/63240246263984 My Telegram channel Elena Yakovleva knits Fluffy Stories for knitting needle lovers https://t.me/yakovlevaknitlena . My VKontakte group https://vk.com/yakovlevaelenaknit . How I connect the ends of the yarn https://zen.yandex.ru/video/watch/5e5... . Master class by Natalia Yakovleva Pikachu backpack https://www.livemaster.ru/item/36210408 . MK for the Imp toy https://www.livemaster.ru/item/41374510 . Open master class Poirot pullover • Let's knit together a seamless Poirot pullover,... My Instagram https://www.instagram.com/yakovlevakn... My page on Boosty https://boosty.to/yakovlevaknit . My Pinterest https://pin.it/5cWMrqo #ElenaYakovlevaKnits