PREPARE YOUR FINANCIAL FUTURE www.invernomics.com HOW TO INVEST IN PROPERTY SUCCESSFULLY: The definitive guide to real estate investment. https://amzn.to/3EqjUeI **** Full video at @Inspirabrand • The Truth about the Housing Crisis... The numbers for buying a flat in Spain don't add up. Rents are through the roof. We brought together those responsible for the housing market in Spain and asked them for answers: a politician, a banker, a real estate agent, a developer and a tourist rental agent. Why are we like this? Sebastián Fernández, Regional Secretary for Housing, and sector promoters such as Sergio Iranzo (@invernomics), Álvaro Payá Serratosa (Zriser investment fund), Fernando Carrero, Red Piso real estate agent, and Javier Navarro, a banker at Banco Santander for more than 30 years, will participate in this event on Access to Housing and the Real Estate sector. On the other side, a foreign investor who has come to invest in the Valencian Community, a couple looking for their first home, a young student looking for a room and a self-employed person who wants to become independent from his parents' home. #housing #realestate #buyflat #buyhouse #mortgage #realestateinvestment #investmentfund #socialhousing #banks #economy #housinglaw