In the village of Amala, a wealthy man named Mister Ray harbored a dark secret: his wealth came from witchcraft and stolen destinies. When he ignored the warnings of the mighty serpent Ogugu, his life descended into chaos. With swollen legs, unbearable pain, and growing fear, Mister Ray desperately sought to right his wrongs. His shocking confession of greed and witchcraft left the villagers in disbelief and anger, leading to the fiery destruction of his cursed shrine. This gripping tale of greed, karma, and redemption shows that evil never goes unpunished. From the mysterious disappearance of Frank and his family to Mister Ray's ultimate downfall, the tale is filled with suspense and powerful lessons. Discover how Amala's village went from despair to hope, as justice triumphed and once stolen dreams were restored American Tales Tales from the USA Tales from the UK African Tale Folk Tale Movie History American Tale American Folk Tale Moonlight Tales Bedtime Stories Folklore Nigerian Tale South African Tale Tanzanian Tale French Tales ********************************************** DISCLAIMER: THE THOUGHTS, VIEWS AND OPINIONS EXPRESSED BY THE HOSTS OF THIS CHANNEL ARE FOR ENTERTAINMENT AND EDUCATIONAL PURPOSES ONLY. I REPEAT, THIS IS NOT SERIOUS, THIS IS NOT REAL. NONE OF THIS. NO ONE IS EXPOSING, REVEALING, ACCUSING, OR TELLING YOU ANYTHING ABOUT THEM. ALSO, WE DO NOT ENCOURAGE YOU TO TRY THIS AT HOME.