Yono Bakrie will invite Suci X contestants to ride in the car from the 1st winner?? Wow, this must be hilarious hahaha In the continuation of TS Talks with Yono Bakrie, now in part 2 it's even more exciting and hilarious! Starting from the story about the Raid boarding house, a phenomenal boarding house for comedians who are solid and don't want to move even though their income and finances are getting better. Yono Bakrie is spilled by the Raid boarding house residents, a tutorial on how to reply to girls' DMs, to the idea of Yono inviting SUCI X contestants to ride in the dream car of all participants. Watch the video until the end, Loyal Friends! Don't forget to subscribe and monitor the latest updates from TS Media on Instagram @travelsecrets.id or TikTok @tsmedia.id TS Talks Yono Bakrie Marianne Rumantir Ersa Mayori #yonobakrie #tstalks #marianne #ersamayori Instagram: / travelsecrets.id Facebook: / tsmedia.idn TikTok: tsmedia.id Website: www.tsmedia.id