In this Chair Yoga practice, we will see an effective sequence to flatten the belly and slim the hips. We will do some twists and work with the abdomen and oblique muscles. Use your deep abdominal yogic breathing to deepen the poses. If you practice it consistently, the results will come as soon as you expect! ???? Did you like this video? ???? SUBSCRIBE HERE: / @itselyyoga Instagram @itsely_yoga You can do yoga every day with my classes on this channel. • 10 Min Chair Yoga Prevent L... Come to my new online yoga school ???? https://www.itselyyoga.com/ ????????????♀️ And if you want to practice with me, go to the website of the Online Yoga School Online video courses of yoga and meditation - La Scimmia Yoga (https://www.lascimmiayoga.com/corsi/) and you will find my new Chair Yoga Course 65+ ???????? Disclaimer Before starting any yoga program, please consult your doctor. By practicing through my programs and my online yoga classes, you voluntarily agree to take part in this activity, assuming full responsibility for all risks of any injury to yourself and/or third parties during the practice of my