#yogaflow #yogastrech #yogaforhealing This flow supports your lower back, builds strength in your legs and at the same time we practice keeping our balance. Everything can be playful. Have fun. If you like, use the wintergreen essential oil beforehand, put 1-2 drops in your hand, rub them together and oil your lower back with it. Of course, do another hand inhalation, i.e. breathe in the scent from your hands for 5-10 breaths. Feel what is happening inside you - is it tingling, warming, relaxing....?? Feel free to put 2 blocks to one side and a blanket for Savasana. Let's go, Nina Instagram: / ninadistelmann Yoga studio: https://puremana-zentrum.de 24% discount link for essential oils & natural products: https://www.youngliving.com/vo/#/sign... The sections and links marked with * are so-called affiliate links or advertisements. If a purchase is made via such a link, I will receive a commission. There are no additional costs for you. Where, when and how you buy a product is of course up to you. No liability is assumed for the accuracy or completeness of the facts, information or wording presented. Errors excepted. The content provided does not replace advice from a doctor. Contains advertising