We bake 2 types of kalachi: with poppy seed filling and without filling. Recipe: 1. flour - 1.2 kg., 2. milk - 0.5 l., 3. eggs - 4 pcs. + yolk, 4. sugar - 200-250 g., 5. pressed yeast - 40 g., 6. salt - 1 tsp., 7. vegetable oil - 100 ml., 8. butter - 100 g., 9. zest of 1 orange. Filling - 1. nuts - 50 g., 2. poppy seeds - 70 g., 3. raisins - 150 g. See also: 1. The most delicious kutya. • The most delicious KUTYA! 2. Pie from stretched dough with cabbage and mushrooms. • Pie from stretched dough with cabbage ... 3. Mom's pies in the oven. The taste of childhood. • Mom's pies in the oven. The taste of childhood. 4. Kefir flatbreads with meat. Yummy-yummy! • Kefir flatbreads with meat. Yummy-yummy! ???? OVEN LIKE OURS: ???? Our SET OF POTS and frying pans (induction): http://dom.odesa.in/nabor-kastrul-ind... ???? SET OF SPOONS that we use: http://dom.odesa.in/nabor_lojek ???? INDUCTION COOKER THAT WE USE: http://dom.odesa.in/inductsionnaya-plita ???? Link to the INCUBATOR that we use: http://dom.odesa.in/inkubator-kvochka... ???? You can find all the videos from our channel on our website: http://dom.odesa.in