Yearning for Mother Produced in 1951 Directed by Torajiro Saito Cast Misora Hibari, Tabata Yoshio, Omi Toshiro, Himori Shinichi, Tsubouchi Yoshiko, Kiyokawa Nijiko, Sakamoto Takeshi, Sawamura Sadako, Mochizuki Mieko, Ban Junsaburo ☆Subscribe here / Classic Japanese Film Collection PD Yearning for Mother [DVD] https://amzn.to/3uUNCGG Yayoi, who was raised by Kanzo and Otsuna on a small island in the Seto Inland Sea, is taken in by her birth mother, Natsue, who owns a restaurant in Gion, Kyoto. Kanzo and his wife loved Yayoi as if she were their own daughter, but they returned her to Natsue for Yayoi's happiness. Ogura Susumu, who abandoned Natsue, married his current wife, Akiko, and had a child named Takeo, but he offered to take Yayoi in as an apology for his past sins. He handed Yayoi over to Susumu, wanting her to be known as the daughter of a good family, but Yayoi's life in Tokyo was not a happy one. However, Natsue was unaware of this and died of peritonitis while watching Yayoi dance. Akiko was angry at Susumu for rushing to Natsue's clinical treatment and decided to divorce her, but Yayoi's kind consideration made her ashamed of her own stubbornness and she once again started a new life with Yayoi and her family. From Amazon customer reviews: Neither good nor bad. I have been a fan of Tabata Yoshio since I was in elementary school, and in my second year of junior high school (1953), I would sometimes sneak out of my sixth period class with three friends to go see a movie starring Tabata Yoshio. Watching this DVD, I remember memories of that time flashing through my mind like a slideshow. His duet with Hibari was also very good. I sing Batayan's songs at karaoke whenever I get the chance.