???? Use the COUPON PEE40 and get 40% off your order with Manual: https://www.manual.com.br/queda-de-ca... Everyone knows that naked old men are too scary. Now, imagine the fear that can be generated by a movie that became famous precisely for its scenes of naked old men... This is the case of X - The Mark of Death (2022) and Pearl (2022), two of the most popular horror films of recent years. So, what is your opinion about them? Do you agree with us? Tell us in the comments. #Saga #Pearl #XMovie ------------------------------ - Watch PeeWeeCast on YouTube: / @peeweecast ------------------------------ Become a PeeWee member, enjoy the benefits and help the channel to have 3 videos per week: https://www.youtube.com/canalpeewee/join ------------------------------ Instagram: - Follow PeeWee: @canalpeewee - Follow Leo: @leopeewee - Follow Miguel: @fernandemiguels ------------------------------ Twitter and lives: - @leodopeewee - @fernandemiguels - @canalpeewee