Our guest today is without a doubt one of our greatest criminal lawyers of all time. In his career of more than 50 years, Jef Vermassen worked on well-known murder cases such as the Parachute murder, the Kim De Gelder and Ronald Janssen cases. A few weeks ago, he also released his latest book, Serial Killers, Monsters Don't Exist, or Do They?, in which he masterfully outlines who these serial killers are, what drives them and the different, cruel ways in which they operate. Highly recommended. Serial Killers, Monsters Don't Exist, or Do They? is out at Borgerhoff & Lamberigts. Subscribe to our newsletter and be the first to receive all our news via https://www.wttaa.be/ Don't forget to subscribe because every week a new episode is online. Itunes: https://podcasts.apple.com/gb/podcast... Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/3HG3tQa... #wttaa Follow Alex / alexagnewof. . Follow Andries / andries8 Follow Marijke / marijke_crynen Follow WTTAA Extra Channel: / @welcometotheaaclips / welcometotheaa / welcometotheaa https://www.wttaa.be/ In the podcast 'Welcome to the AA' comedian Alex Agnew and partner in crime and man behind the buttons Andries Beckers go in search of people or topics that are part of their world. Every week they receive guests from home and abroad and discuss the state of everything that concerns them. 'Welcome to the AA' is a production by Andries Beckers and Alex Agnew.