Markus Gabriel is one of the most original and courageous thinkers of our time. Starting from the oldest question in philosophy - the difference between being and appearance - he calls for a radical new description of our existence and its guiding values. ???? Subscribe now to SRF Kultur Sternstunden on YouTube ???? https://www.youtube.com/srfkulturster... With a radically new philosophy, Markus Gabriel wants to heal our present from its greatest errors. At the center of his "neoexistentialism" is man as a being who is constantly in danger of confusing true appearance with false being. Because only when man correctly understands his place in the cosmos does a path open up to overcoming today's crises of meaning - be they political, ecological, moral or existential. In conversation with Wolfram Eilenberger, the Bonn philosopher explains what moral progress really consists of, why talk of the "post-factual age" is nonsense and why fictions are at least as real and saving as scientific facts. Sternstunde Philosophie from December 7th, 2020 Moderation: Wolfram Eilenberger / weilenberger ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- More culture on YouTube ???? https://www.youtube.com/srfkultur?sub... More culture on Facebook ???? / srfkultur More culture on Twitter ???? / srfkultur More culture on srf.ch ???? https://www.srf.ch/kultur ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The "Sternstunde Philosophie" cultivates the in-depth and critical exchange of ideas and gets to the bottom of the burning questions of our time. The "Sternstunde Philosophie" draws a broad arc from sociopolitical current affairs to the fundamental questions of philosophy: who is responsible for what, what does human freedom consist of, what determines our meaning in life? Guests include personalities from science, culture, politics and business - voices that stimulate thought and reflect on and classify our current events. ______ Social Media Netiquette from SRF: ► https://www.srf.ch/social-netiquette #SRFCulture #SRFSternstunde #Philosophy #NeoExistentialism #SRF #Culture