Email Writing in English: How to Write a Formal Email in English? In this English language lesson from the Farazban group, we are with you, dear Persian speakers, on the topic of how to write an English email. How to write a formal email in English is a question for many language learners. Things like how to write an email to a professor, or for example, a letter requesting an appointment in English, or a letter applying for a job in English, and also writing an English letter to a friend are often asked by language learners. The text of a leave request letter in English and the format of a formal English email are also practical examples of using the rules of email writing. If you also have problems in these cases or do not know what the final sentence of an English letter is, join us in this language learning lesson. ---------------------------- Other lessons of the Farazban group Essential Vocabulary 504 Lesson 12: • Book 504 Lesson 12 English idiom Every round is not a walnut: • Learning English (Every round is not a walnut... Teaching English idioms: Yes, uncle, in English: • Teaching English idioms: Yes, uncle, in English... Ways to express concern in English: • Ways to express concern in English... Apostrophe S in English and types of s in English: • Possessiveness in English Apostrophe S in Eng... English idiom Please wait, making halwa in English: • Everyday English idioms: Please wait... How to learn English faster: • Teaching English: How to speak English... Important points of the verb suggest: • English grammar from the basics: Important points of the verb... 7 uses of as in English: • 7 uses of As in English Grammar z... 7 everyday English idioms: • Practical everyday English idioms: 7 t... Important points of the verb ask: • English grammar in simple language: Look... 50 adjectives to describe face and body: • English vocabulary in Persian: 50 adjectives In Eng... 12 Practical Phrases with No: • Commonly Used English Sentences with Persian Translation... Conditional Sentences Type 1 in English: • Conditional Sentences Type 1 in English C... ---------------------- Topic of this lesson: English Email, How to Write a Formal English Email, How to Write an Email, Education Category: English Language Teaching Team: Farazban Educational Group Instructor: Misa