Subscribe to my channel: https://bit.ly/KadarkaiYouTube follow on Facebook: https://bit.ly/KadarkaiFB Instagram: https://bit.ly/KadarkaiInsta editor-host: Endre Kadarkai The World Meeting is a radio show where we always put two people with completely different values and habits at a table. Two characters who might not have met without us. We are not preparing a debate show, but a tasteful conversation between three people. The show can be heard on Klubrádio every Saturday from 12 noon. Producers: Zoltán Warholik, Gábor Rózsahegyi Zsófia Szabó (born in Orosháza, September 22, 1988) is a Hungarian actress. She is the daughter of Kossuth Award-winning actor Gyula Szabó. She has a younger brother, Gyula, and two half-siblings: Melinda and Attila.[1] She attended Szent Margit Gymnasium and Budai Nagy Antal Gymnasium. She completed her college studies at Kodolányi János College. She started riding horses at the age of sixteen, in Germany and Austria.[2] Her first song, Deja Vu, was released in June 2010, for which she filmed a provocative video clip. Her second video clip, Hol a nagy ö?, was released in May 2011. That year, the readers of CKM magazine voted her the best woman. On July 25, 2011, she became second lady-in-waiting in the 186th Anna-ball beauties competition.[3] On October 1, 2016, she married Zsolt Kis in Nyíregyháza.[4] Her husband was previously the leader of the MCF Roma Összefogáz Party list in the 2009 European Parliament election.[5] Their child, Kis Mendel, was born on December 4, 2017. Her theatrical roles Peonies Three Nights of Love Hair Waiting for Dawn Good Evening, Summer Good Evening Love Lorca's Evening Lostin! - Lost Sentido de FlamenCorazon Carmen Engraved in Dance Wait Until It Gets Dark Yerma Her films and shows In Good and Bad (2009–2014) actress (Betty Tanakis) I'm a Celebrity, Get Out of Here! (2014) contestant, 4th place After X (2014) presenter Válótársak (television series) - for sale[7] Story Extra (2016 - 2018) presenter Playback Duel (2016) presenter Hupikék smurpikék – Az elveszett falu (2017) Törpilla (dubbing) A konyhafőnök VIP 2. (2017) contestant Reggeli (2019-) presenter Toplista (2019-) presenter János Háy, originally named János Horváth (Vámosmikola, April 1, 1960 –) Attila József Prize winner. Hungarian writer, poet, painter, illustrator, founder of Palatinus Könyvkiadó. As a young child, the years in Vámosmikola were decisive for him, but from 1974, i.e. from the beginning of his high school years, Budapest played the central role in Háy's life. In the capital, he immersed himself in contemporary alternative culture, and it was here that he first participated in events that would have a great influence on his later work (music and fine arts programs). After several attempts, in 1981 he was admitted to the Russian history department of the Gyula Juhász Teacher Training College of the University of Szeged, where he applied because of his then love, later wife, who studied English at the institution. After graduating from higher education in 1985, Háy, who had been publishing since 1982, launched a literary periodical with some friends called Narancszívssonett. The samizdat lasted only eight issues. The year 1989 was a turning point in János Háy's life in several respects. At that time, he gave up his teaching career, and in that year he began working as an editor for several publishers (Holnap, Pesti Szalon, Palatinus), for which he edited until 2004, and in 1989, his first collection of poems, titled I'm Coming to You on a Walking Path, was published. The volume concludes his writing period from 1976 to 1985, and its famous opening line is: "There is no such person as János Háy." After I'm Coming to You on a Walking Path, 17 books were published, including the novel Dzigerdilen, which made him recognized as a prose writer, and The Children of Géza, which made him a playwright. Háy did not give up on fine arts, his drawings and paintings were published several times, and he also illustrates his books himself and creates their covers. With a grown-up head, after the birth of her two children, she graduated from the Department of Aesthetics at ELTE and currently lives as a freelance writer in Budapest. Her poetry collections Vigyázat, humanists. The Land of Plants – 1990 Something Heavy – 1998 I'm Digging – 2002 A Story of a Lover's Verse – 2010 Háyland; Palatinus, Bp., 2011 Towards the Old Man; Európa, Bp., 2017 Her miscellaneous collections Walking on the Walk Welcome in Africa Marlon and Marion Moons and Days Dramas: The Géza Children The Senák Uncle Pityu's Son The Herner Ferike's Father Prose works Dzigerdilen (the beauty of the heart) Xanadu. Earth, Water, Air – Alphabet and the Ninety-Four Robbers The Fruit Gardener's Son Budapest. Bridge Capital Xanadu. Valley Bridge Marriage from here and beyond The child Belonging to each other The underground garage – 2013 (Novel.) Getting to the sun; Europe, Bp., 20