Link to the news.- https://www.casareal.es/ES/Actividade... I sincerely appreciate the cordiality with which I receive, together with the Queen, on our first State Visit to the Italian Republic. I was not born in Rome, (as my father was) but allow me to try to say a few words in the beautiful Italian language. Allow me, also, to express my gratitude to the President of the Republic, Sergio Mattarella, for his kind invitation to visit Italy, for his continued esteem and for his constant attention towards the Queen and me since our arrival in this extraordinary country. A thank you, also, for his sensitivity towards Spain and for his friendship for Spain. A further thank you for having always found in the President of the Republic wisdom, common sense and advice. You know it better than I: President Mattarella is a point of reference for Italy and for Italians, as well as for many Heads of State, among whom I certainly find myself. I am honored to be among them. Señores presidents, Señoras y señores senators, Señoras y señores diputados. Upon entering the door of the Plaza de Montecitorio, he was aware that it is customary to open the doors of this beautiful palace to foreign leaders ─ like the ones in the no less beautiful palace, Madame who has just visited, thank you President La Russa for the opportunity that we had to toast ─ not so much el keep access to the grandstand from where today they hablo. The vision from here is really impressive, what it means, democratically and from public or state responsibility, to communicate them to the noble Italian people through their legitimate representatives. This privilege is given to many foreigners from the state, and if today they honor me with him, it is because Spain is not held in Italy as much as my friend's country, or even my own country, which is the same consideration that Italy holds in my country. In this historical space, the seat - at the Senate of the Republic - of the representation of national sovereignty, the values that we define are projected; if democracy, individual liberties, human rights and the rule of the law are affirmed. All that is of concern and interest to our compatriots is the parliamentary life, presided over ─within the legitimate discrepancy─ with the same desire to ensure, to seek good commonality, to be useful to society. And it is very probable that in this time ─more than in any other─ the questions that are decided in the Parliaments of Italy and Spain are also similar. Here we ask you, from this tribune, some reflections on our place in the world and in Europe and our bilateral relationship. I will refer you, first of all, to our position in the world. In Italy and Spain we have a firm committed to multilateralism, that is: with a world order based on rules and inspired by the purposes and principles of the NNUU Charter. We are two countries with memory, with a clear awareness of the past - in particular that it cannot be repeated, nor should it be like a caricature - and we see with logical disquiet how many treaties, institutions and multilateral forums are suffering from an accelerated erosion, at the time when we are questioning its effectiveness ─we accept that much better─ or the same feeling of your existence; a hairy slide has something uncertain…, and nothing bright. And all of this, in a complex and volatile global context, with open and latent conflicts, enormous internal desires and between countries/regions, and with an acceleration of technological changes and the deterioration of the natural medium that supports human life. How fragile is peace, even when it wears off; and how necessary are they and will always be the right and the diplomacy to advance on this path to the end; and how much will, courage, generosity and high-level leadership are needed to cooperate deeply and sincerely to achieve greater stability, cohesion and harmony in the world. ...//...