???? Content: Video, picture, song and calls of the wood dove ???? PROFILE Name: Wood dove Family: Pigeons Characteristic features/appearance: Back and shoulder area slate grey to grey-brown, rest of the torso blue-grey on top, crop area and chest shimmer greyish wine-red, belly lighter in colour. Green-turquoise-metallic coloured field on the nape and throat. White spot on the sides of the neck. Wings slate grey with a white wing bar, easy to see in flight. Tail feathers broad blue-grey at the base on the top, broad black terminal bar. Size: 38-43 cm Weight: 498 - 539 g Age: 20 years Female: The female is not as brightly coloured as the male and is slightly lighter. Song/calls: Beginning with a "rúhgu, gugu" the territorial song is a dull, hoarse and not very loud coo. Then a five-syllable "rugúgu, gugu" is repeated several times. The mating call is a shorter "grrugu-rú". Breeding period: February - September, 2-3 broods per year, 15-17 day breeding period Nest: The nest is mainly built on trees or large bushes. Clutch size: 1-3 eggs Food: Grain, seeds, corn, flowers, fruit and buds. Habitat: Deciduous and coniferous forests, meadows and fields, but also in parks and gardens. Natural enemies: Goshawk, peregrine falcon, sparrowhawk and eagle owl. Migratory behaviour: Resident bird, can be seen here all year round. Individuals from northern and eastern Europe migrate through or overwinter here. Endangered: Not currently endangered. Source: Pixabay, Pexels, Adobe Stock, Kosmos Bird Guide, Xeno-Canto, Wikipedia ???? APPRECIATE ???? LOVE ???? PROTECT ???? Here is my blog: https://www.federchens-gartenglueck.d... ???? Facebook: Federchens Gartenglück ???? Instagram: federchens_gartenglueck COME OUT WITH ME TO ARRIVE IN YOURSELF! ???? You can find further information here: https://www.federchens-gartenglueck.de #ringdove #birdportrait #birdprofile #birdsonghike #naturecoaching #forestbathing #garden #closetonature #biodiversity #bees #insects #environmentalprotection #nestingaids #naturespirituality #ornithology #forestwalk #forestfriends #loveofforest #experiencenature #poweroftrees #loveofnature #insectdiversity