We tested the pH of various types of wood chips: 1. Pine bark chips lying on a flower bed for about a year 2. Leaf chips lying on a raspberry bed for about 6 months 3. Fresh alder leaf chips 4. Coniferous chips lying in a bag and in the rain for 6 months 5. Three-year-old composted soil with pine bark 6. Several-year-old oak leaf litter 7. Three-year-old composted, finely ground pine bark 00:00 - introduction, what kind of wood chips we will be testing 02:36 - we collect wood chip samples into a box 05:03 - how to prepare wood chip samples for pH measurements 07:26 - water pH measurements from each type of wood chips 09:10 - discussion of measurement results 17:39 - request to viewers for comments and interpretation of results 18:53 - ending