THIS IS WONOTOPO..! THE MOST QUIET AND REMOTE VILLAGE IN TEMANGGUNG. I GIVE YOU SHIVERS IN THE DAYTIME, LET ALSO GO BETTER AT NIGHT. This remote village in Central Java has been around since the Dutch colonial era, and the houses were houses for employees who worked in a coffee factory. Because most of the people there were coffee farmers. Because the factory moved and closed, the village was slowly abandoned/returned to their hometowns, because most of the employees who worked there were from outside the area. But not all of them left the village, there are still some who remain in this village even though the houses around them are empty. The location is in Sidoharjo Village, Wonotopo Hamlet, Temanggung Regency, Central Java. #centraljavavillage #remotevillage #remotevillage #villageatmosphere #villageinthemiddleoftheforest #hauntedvillage #wonotopo