#Doesn't start. #Stalls. #Overflows, sneezes.. Video collection of all sorts of problems with the #carburetor, collected from practice, comments, communities for 5 years - their elimination, adjustment. The most difficult task is to #start the equipment, well, and then somehow it will go, and then you can figure out what to twist and adjust. For the correct, quick determination of the cause and its elimination, you need to at least slightly imagine the operation of any mechanism, otherwise the search and adjustment in a stupid way leads to a nervous breakdown, which can greatly affect the condition of the rider and equipment. These same malfunctions are the same with any carburetor of all gasoline internal combustion engines of the #2T.4T system. Contents - Start mode. #Electronic valve for starting and warming up the engine - device, operation, #adjustment, problems. Idle mode. Operating mode + for clarity, all these things are shown in the animation. and there are problems that cannot be found on the Internet at all. So who needs this - stock up on patience, a convenient place, the film is long, the author's speech is boring, and sometimes with stutters, but everything is to the point and he wants to expose himself in these matters like Guro for beginners. For those who have long tamed their horse, this is not interesting and the author is not even close to Guro. Enjoy the use of technology to everyone. Subscribe.