Who's afraid of the big bad wolf? It was extinct for 150 years, and now it's back: the wolf. It has spread again from Saxony to the North Sea. And if we can believe some media and politicians, we are in serious danger: sheep are being killed, children are being chased on their way to school. But is that really true? Is the wolf a bloodthirsty animal that we should be afraid of? And why can't hunters go out in droves and shoot the wolves? STRG_F reporters Carla and Aaron have moved into a forest hut. They are looking for wolves and the question of whether they really pose a danger. A film by: Aaron Moser and Carla Reveland Editing: Tim Rieckmann, Aaron Moser ------------ Every Tuesday Do you have suggestions for topics? Write to us at: [email protected] You don't want to miss anything? Subscription: https://tinyurl.com/strg-f Twitter: / strg_f Instagram: / strg_f Facebook: / strgfofficial We are part of funk! More information is available at: YouTube: / funkofficial Web-App: https://go.funk.net Facebook: / funk Imprint: https://go.funk.net/impressum