When I continued to lock myself in the field of your gaze I could no longer return to my ordinary world Intoxicated by the gentle smile that inhabits this gaze I wanted to dream your dream so that two paths would be one! I felt the scent of the woods in your curves and hair I drank the honey from your lips, in your kisses I lost myself... From my herd of desires there is always one of sinuelo And this dream, I will have it... because I do not know how to live without you! I felt your pulse in my soul and in my skin. I felt your heart beat for us. I felt all the emotion spring up in the verses, I felt this passion jump in your voice! I felt that life reserved your shelter, It healed the wound, not even a scar remained. I no longer know how to live without you, my dearest, Only in your arms can I be happy! One certain day, from a distance, longing presented itself to me, With a cold and merciless hand, it stuck daggers in my chest. But there is evil that comes for good, showing reality, And I like it when the truth shows itself in its own way Serene, I rocked the stride of my bay cabo-negros, And in this eagerness for comfort, I cut through the ground with sun and moon. I projected your image, among my dreams and attachments I stumbled over unrest for your love, xirua! Clip recorded in Lages/SC at Teatro Marajoara. Video capture and editing: Smart Agência Audio capture: QCP Estúdio Mixing and Mastering: Eduardo Ganso Borges Special appearances: Mario Marçal - Violin Pedro Kaltbach - Violin