I remembered a recipe, I used to catch fish with dough like this quite often. I made it. I came to the pond, picked a spot, and... Off we go! Crucian carp, float, everything we love. + Recipe for dough that gets fish! Enjoy watching! :) Why doesn't CRUCIAN CARPS bite in JUNE-JULY – • Why doesn't CRUCIAN CARPS bite in JUNE?! That's all, ... How and where to catch CRUCIAN CARPS in the HEAT – • How and where to CATCH CRUCIAN CARPS in the HEAT?! Choosing... What's not a bite is a BASIC SHOE! – • Crucian carps BASIC SHOES on a FLOAT, bite IN THE... The perfect place for CRUCIAN CARPS CATCHING – • THE PERFECT PLACE FOR CRUCIAN CARPS FISHING... 👍 Did you like the video? Don't forget to subscribe to the channel, write comments and like - this way you greatly help promote my channel. Thank you very much! 🤝 Mail for suggestions - [email protected] #fishing #crucian carp #float