The Tisza Party was hit by a blackmail and wiretapping scandal. Based on a leaked, secretly recorded conversation on Tuesday, Evelin Vogel, Péter Magyar's former girlfriend, demands HUF 30 million from Tisza as compensation for her work in the party. In the meantime, Péter Magyar posted on his social media page that "an interesting thing" was found in the office of the Tisza Party, which is being investigated by experts. The guests of Egyenes Beszéd are Tibor Závecz, head of Zavech Research, and Márton Schlanger, analyst at the Republikon Institute. ❗The independent YouTube channel of our show "Heti Napló with András Sváby" has been launched, on which, in addition to the latest content, archive reports will also be uploaded! SUBSCRIBE: / @hetinaplo ❗ SUBSCRIBE TO OUR CHANNEL: https://goo.gl/uo2kim VISIT OUR WEBSITE: http://www.atv.hu FACEBOOK: / atv.hu INSTAGRAM: / atv_magyarorszag #atv #atvmagyarorszag #egynesbeszed Please support us so that we can create more similar content! ATV-Gondolat Jel Foundation for Objective News Services Bank account number: 10300002-20252278-00003285