I will be growing a whole block of early vegetables to harvest in the spring of 2025. Join me out in the country in December when I do my first winter sowing. I work the iron for an hour and have time to plant potatoes, onions, garlic and do winter sowing. Tips and tricks and hopefully some inspiration too. If you are curious about plants in my online store, you will find everything current here: https://sarabackmo.se/produkt-kategor... Photo & editing by Ida Sjöö.@Idasjoo Feel free to become a member of Skillnadens to see live videos from my private cultivation and read articles about vegetable cultivation. Read more and become a member here: http://sarabackmo.se/product/premium-... FOLLOW SARA BÄCKMO Skillnaden's trading garden: https://skillnadens.se Skillnaden's Garden: https://sarabackmo.se Facebook: / skillnadenstradgard Instagram The difference: / the difference's Instagram The difference's trade garden: / the difference's handelstradgard YouTube: / sarabackmo Podcast: http://www.sarabackmo.libsyn.com/ Newsletter: http://eepurl.com/c4OxZ9 Pinterest: https://www.pinterest.se/saraskitchen... FOLLOW ME IN ENGLISH Blog: https://www.sarabackmo.com Facebook: / saraskitchengarden Facebook group: / kitchengardenworldwide YouTube : / saraskitchengarden Pinterest: https://www.pinterest.se/saraskitchen... Instagram: / saraskitchengarden Letters from the garden (newsletter): http://eepurl.com/douXMb IN NORWEGIAN Blog Norway: https://sarabackmo.no IN DANISH Facebook Denmark: / saraskokkenhave Music by https://www.epidemicsound.com/