The past few days have brought the heaviest snowfall in recent years to the Grosser Heuberg and thus also to the town of Meßstetten. The snowfall on Thursday in particular represented the greatest test for the Meßstetten municipal yard in many years. With the maximum available winter service fleet - which in the case of the town of Meßstetten is an impressive 22 vehicles - the men around municipal yard manager Michael Mayer were in non-stop operation from the early morning hours until late in the evening. "We did our best to keep the traffic moving," says Mayer, proud of his team. In the video, the winter service expert explains the sequence of an operation - from the early morning detection service to the deployment of the large and small snow clearing vehicles to the use of road salt. We accompanied municipal yard employee Peter Neuburger on his tour with the snow clearing vehicle through the main town and the Bueloch residential area.