I've been thinking for a long time about whether videos about the trading post are worth it. Now I've found a great option. In this video series, we'll go through the monthly items of the new WoW feature together and talk about their look, alternatives, suitable transmogs and lore. For example, which items are unique and which can be easily farmed in other colors? Image source: Wowhead & WoW Comics #WorldofWarcraft #Transmog #thewarwithin Thumbnail graphic by cookie_studio on freepik: https://de.freepik.com/fotos-kostenlo... __________________________________ Be cooler and more informed? Patreon: / craft12354 Craft on Twitch (Livestream): / craft12354 Craft on TikTok: / craft12354 Craft on Twitter: / craft12354 Craft on Facebook: http://bit.ly/1YlcWNj Craft on Instagram: / craftsarmy __________________________________