The main elements of the system are: EASUN 2500W hybrid inverter (1200WPV, for 24V batteries) AGM batteries, 2x 100Ah M3 Smaarad 1200W wind turbine, 48V Jabel J-150v3 controller https://www.jabel.com.pl/product/j-150v2 Wind-turbine-controller-voltmeter-rotometer-windmeter/ DC-DC converters 1200W 20A - STEP-UP 8-60V / 12-80V HOYMK relays HOYMK SSR 25A DC-AC relay Meter Meter voltmeter and ammeter 0-100V - 50A - 0.28' Red/Red POWER SUPPLY DIN EDR-75-24 24V 3.2A 75W MEAN WELL Normally closed contactors (for the brake) Disconnector (for the brake) And cables and connectors To sum up, the turbine control system, i.e. what is beyond the inverter and batteries, was cheaper than buying a ready-made device (e.g. https://www.amazon.pl/zastosowanie-sl..., which, however, instead of a normal output, has a charging function for the batteries that I already have in the inverter.