In this message, Pastor Danilo Montero gives us a message about the Holy Spirit, which manifested itself in a powerful way on the day of Pentecost, as recounted in the book of Acts in the Bible. On that day, the disciples were gathered together and suddenly experienced extraordinary phenomena: a sound like a rushing wind filled the house, tongues like fire rested upon each of them, and they were filled with the Holy Spirit, which allowed them to speak in other languages. These events are significant for several reasons: Historical context: Pentecost was a Jewish holiday that commemorated the giving of the Law of Moses on Mount Sinai, but it also marked the beginning of a new chapter for the people of Israel. On this day, Jews from different parts of the world gathered in Jerusalem. Wind: The wind symbolizes the presence and movement of the Spirit of God. In the Old Testament, the wind was associated with creation, the liberation of the people of Israel, and the life that God infused into dry bones. At Pentecost, wind filled the house where the disciples were, recalling the divine presence that had filled the tabernacle and temple in the past. Fire: Fire evokes the presence and glory of God, as manifested at Mount Sinai and in the tabernacle. At Pentecost, tongues of fire above the disciples signal that they are now the temple of God, where his presence dwells. Tongues: The disciples spoke in languages they had not learned before, allowing people from different cultures to understand them. This fulfilled Old Testament prophecies and symbolized the gathering of scattered people, heralding the beginning of a new community in Christ. In short, the day of Pentecost marks the outpouring of the Holy Spirit upon believers, empowering them to be witnesses of Jesus and to establish the Christian community. The Holy Spirit, represented as wind, fire, and tongues, is a divine person who dwells in every believer and empowers them to live a life of faith, witness, and communion with God.